In the quiet town of Capas, Tarlac, the Aguirre family lived a life of peace on their sprawling hacienda. But a brutal massacre in 2024 shattered everything, leaving behind nothing but bloodshed and unanswered questions.
As secrets about the family's past begin to surface, one question remains: who is responsible for this heinous act, and why? Amidst the growing tension and fear, the survivors find themselves facing not only their darkest fears but a mysterious force determined to make them pay for their sins.
"The Capas 'Aguirre' Massacre 2024 (Lord Save Us )" is a chilling tale of family, betrayal, and revenge. As the lines between the living and the dead begin to blur, will anyone survive the horrors that await?
Prepare for a psychological horror journey that explores the depths of human guilt, secrets, and the terrifying consequences of unheeded sins.