Deep within the heart of FernGully, a vibrant rainforest in Australia, lives F/N, a spirited and curious fairy. The dense canopy of the forest shields his world, a haven of untouched beauty, where humans are spoken of only as distant myths, extinct creatures of a bygone era. But F/N's understanding of the world shatters when the hum of machinery echoes through the trees-evidence of a logging company encroaching upon the forest's edge.
In a fateful encounter, F/N's magic unintentionally shrinks one of the loggers, a boy named Zak, to fairy size. Now no bigger than the insects around him, Zak sees the rainforest through F/N's eyes: a living, breathing ecosystem threatened by human greed. This startling perspective forces Zak to confront the destruction caused by his own kind.
As the pair form an unlikely alliance, their task becomes even graver. The logging operation has awakened Hexxus, a dark and malevolent entity born from pollution. Hexxus thrives on the very destruction the machines bring, growing stronger with each poisoned breath of the forest. Together, F/N and Zak must rally the forest's creatures, navigate perils both natural and magical, and confront Hexxus before the rainforest-and its magic-are lost forever.
chief Swan had another daughter she was born 5 years ago with a one night stand. The girls mother, after finding out what was wrong with her daughter, left her on Charlie's doorstep at the age of 3. But with his job and forgetful daughter, he started to lose himself until a new family came to town and fell in love with the adorable 5 year old. Being adopted by the cullens after being asked by her father when he saw their first meeting.
I dont own Twilight or the characters they belong to the author, and I don't own the pictures they are off the Internet. I only made the oc. Character is also like dory.