Kavya Vajrapati's life took a devastating turn when her fiancé, Arjun, abandoned her on their wedding day for his stepsister, Neha, who deceitfully claimed to be suffering from terminal blood cancer and had only a few months to live. Arjun, easily manipulated by Neha's fabricated story, heartlessly left Kavya at the altar, convinced that his sympathy for Neha justified his actions. To make matters worse, Arjun had the audacity to tell Kavya that once Neha passed away, he would come back to her and "make things right." He believed she would wait for him, a thought that only infuriated Kavya.
Heartbroken and seeking an escape, Kavya found herself at a bar that fateful day, where she met a man named Harshavardhan Varma. Harsha, pretending to be a down-on-his-luck gigolo who had just graduated and took on the job to pay for his grandmother's operation, was in fact secretly one of the wealthiest businessmen in the country. For years, Harshavardhan had silently admired Kavya from afar, but he never revealed his true identity. Instead, he chose to approach her as a humble "puppy," biding his time and waiting for the right moment to make his move. Beneath this facade, however, he harbored the intense desire to keep her by his side forever. His ultimate goal was not only to mend her broken heart but to ensure that she would never escape him. He planned to seduce her, believing that once she gave herself to him, she would be bound to him for life.
Kavya's family is renowned in the fashion design industry, and though Arjun is wealthier and more powerful than her, Kavya's position is far from ordinary. Her father had taken over her late mother's family business, and her grandfather had entrusted her with a significant portion of shares in it, adding another layer of intrigue to her life and future.
So how's our Kavya life gonna take turn when Harsha enters in her life
#1 in Short-story
I love you so much...
Please never Break my heart...
Or else I won't be able to heal it again...
I just can't even think about it,because for me you're my everything... "her words still roaming in my ears...
But you know every love story has Villon...
My had too...
And that Villon is no one else but
Arnav Singh Raizada, myself.
What one can do when that person himself destroyed the best gift god has written in his destiny.
I had ruined it.
I'm determined to heal it completely one day.
And that one day will surely come one day.
She'll surely give me a SECOND CHANCE.