In the heart of the Whispering Woods, the Moonlit Alehouse becomes the unlikely meeting place for four extraordinary beings, each driven by a burning desire for justice. Jasmin Silverpaw, a cunning wolf-girl wizard, seeks vengeance for her destroyed homeland. Lyra Moonshade, a sly kitsune rogue, pursues mysterious artifacts and secrets. Nyla Whiskertune, a charming cat-girl bard, roams with melodies of rebellion. Seraphina Windcoil, a fierce lamia barbarian, fights to avenge her fallen temple.
United by their common enemy, King Arthur, these four heroes must harness their unique strengths to dismantle the tyranny that has wronged them. As they face perilous quests, from haunted forests to ancient ruins, their bond grows stronger, and their resolve unbreakable. Will their combined powers be enough to shatter the legendary sword Excalibur and bring down the tyrant king?
Embark on an epic adventure of unity, vengeance, and magical camaraderie in Lunar Vengeance: The Wolf, the Fox, the Cat, and the Serpent.
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