A WOMAN who never wore a crown. A WARRIOR who never held a sword. A BEAUTY that never been seen. A THORN that you will surely despise. A SASSY woman that will surely thorn you apart. Captain Daliesa Stormhunt known as the dauntless Queen of the seven seas, Daliesa the conquerer and the fearless Captain. She have traveled the world with her army by her side, she have made herself a home without her father's help. In her father's kingdom, she was known as the lady bastard of King Archer and the Aislers people despise her so much. She left Fallen-Aisle Kingdom to prove them wrong, that a bastard can rise as high as the queens and kings. She left her home to prove something for herself that she is worth of a thousand crowns. She is that woman who never wore a crown on her head, because she is that kind of queen that knows her crown isn't on her head but in her soul. She is that warrior who never held a sword for she knows that her words were the sharpest weapon. Her beauty speaks in flowers, mind require thorn. She is the sassy's queen of the seven seas. But what will she do when she meet the King of thorn? Will she be able to conquer the Rantipole or it will go in one way or another.All Rights Reserved