Ethan, a 25-year-old aspiring writer, is struggling to capture the essence of love in his novel. Despite his literature degree, he finds himself stuck, unable to write with authenticity about the emotions he has never fully experienced. Working part-time at a coffee shop to make ends meet, Ethan spends his breaks wandering the city, looking for inspiration that seems just out of reach.
One day, his routine is broken when he accidentally bumps into a woman with a camera, a stranger whose intense presence and focus on the world around her leave a lasting impression on him. Their brief interaction, though ordinary, sparks something in Ethan-a realization that love might not be the key to writing his story. Instead, he begins to explore the power of fleeting moments, the small encounters that can shift one's perspective and change everything.
As Ethan delves deeper into his writing, he discovers that capturing the rawness of life and human connection doesn't always require grand gestures-it's in the briefest of encounters, the ones that might otherwise be forgotten. In a city full of stories waiting to be told, Ethan's journey is about finding inspiration in the unexpected and learning that even the smallest moments can leave a profound impact.
Parvati is a simple girl, serving her time at the royal palace in Rajasthan as a personal maid of the crown prince. She has been working there for years now.
Her life take a drastic turn when the crown prince of Aadhiren Singh Choudhary is left at the alter by his bride.
And Parvati does him a favor and saves the 'Royal' family's reputation by marrying him.
Now they both are stuck in a loveless marriage and must find a way to work things out between themselves.
(A little character traits)
Parvati is a very clumsy girl. She likes to keep to herself and never get in between of things, she panic in small situations and makes things worse later by overthinking.
Aadhiren is a bold person. He was raised to take risks and be authoritative, he is the future king afterall. He likes to be in charge and handles things with maturity, he is very patient and thinks before speaking.
(as at 8 January 2025)
#1 India
#1 old school
#1 royal family