(The following full-fledged story takes place in an alternative timeline of the Equestria Girls universe. The events in the main timeline are relevant to this alternative timeline and its story through the following chapters. This is non-canon to the connections that are the movies, comics, and the spin-off shows.) It is the final year of Canterlot High School for the Mane 7 and the final year brings in new freshmen to the Freshman Fair. With Principal Celestia requesting Rainbow Dash to form a new basketball team for the following tournament, she gathered a full roster for her new basketball team, putting her soccer club on hold for the season. Little did the girls know that Equestrian Magic is involved in their plays, making this a rather... interesting competition, facing not only the Shadowbolts but the once-famous basketball team with three championship wins and a brilliant game record called "The Equestrian Miracles" from Cloudsdale Junior High, a school Rainbow Dash attended in during her middle school years who inspired her to become the athlete she is known for to this day. As a true threat, the Wondercolts basketball team boldly stands against the schools they are facing in the competition, with both their shadow...and light.All Rights Reserved