In the bustling halls of an Army Public School in Jaipur, three lives intertwine in a story of love, friendship, and self-discovery. Vanshita Singh, the quintessential perfectionist, has her heart set on becoming a doctor, never letting distractions veer her from her dreams. But when Kshitij Srivastava, a charming guitarist with a smile that hides a world of emotions, walks into her life, her carefully planned world begins to shift.
Shrija Shukla, Vanshita's vivacious best friend, adds music and light to their trio but harbors feelings she can't admit even to herself. As school events, late-night conversations, and stolen glances weave them closer together, emotions simmer and unspoken words linger.
From heartfelt moments in the library to bittersweet goodbyes at the airport, "Tera Hone Laga Hoon" is a tender tale of first loves, sacrifices, and the choices that shape us. Set against the backdrop of the vivid chaos and beauty of adolescence, this story captures the essence of young love in all its aching, exhilarating glory.
Perfect for readers who cherish heartfelt romances with a touch of nostalgia, "Tera Hone Laga Hoon" is a journey of emotions you won't soon forget.