In a world where celestial forces govern the balance of existence, three powerful beings stand at the center of an unraveling cosmos. Kei, a radiant warrior adorned with crystalline wings of light, and Ignis, a blazing conqueror wreathed in flames, are the last protectors of harmony. But their greatest challenge arises when Aracelle, the Celestial Paragon, returns from exile.
Aracelle, once the most revered of celestial guardians, now seeks to reshape existence itself, wielding prismatic power that transcends light, fire, and reality. As galaxies fracture and the stars begin to fade, Kei and Ignis must unite their strengths to confront a foe whose power eclipses their own.
Ancient prophecies speak of The Celestial Eclipse, a force capable of unmaking the universe. But as battles rage across shattered realms, Kei and Ignis discover the line between savior and destroyer is perilously thin.
Their struggle will take them through ethereal dimensions, forgotten ruins, and the edges of existence itself. To stop Aracelle's reign of celestial dominance, they must embrace their ultimate potential-at the risk of losing their souls.
This story takes place AFTER the destruaction of the Chaos Creatures.