Kareena Kapoor has proved that she is the reigning queen of Bollywood yet, be it in films or the fashion front. The Buckingham Murders actress delivered yet another ethereal look that had a royal vibe as she graced the 140th anniversary celebrations of Bulgari's Atrena high jewellery collection. The mother-of-two wore a spellbinding mix of a draped blush gown and an ivory silk jacket that was accessorised with the perfect amount of sparkle with Bulgari jewellery. Kareena Kapoor looked dazzling and demure wearing a layered draped strapless gown with a body cocooning fit that had stitched-up ruched details around her waistline. It further graduated into a floor-length layer that added a regal character to her ensemble. Celebrity stylist Rhea Kapoor topped this gown with an ivory silk floor-length ivory silk jacket with a floral design and a satin lining that lent a royal vibe to the look.All Rights Reserved