"Little Heck" is a transgressive southern gothic extreme horror with a hint of magical realism about a young girl named Erin navigating love, life, and the implications of the time traveler who her disturbed older brother is torturing in their basement.
A story that captures the adolescent indiscretion between possessive love and morbid fascination, "Little Heck" is a study in the brutality of revenge and what it means to cross your own moral lines only to find out that they don't exist where you thought they did. It is a coming of age tale about becoming the engineer of your own worst fears in a desperate bid for control over them.
Dealing with themes of guilt, abandonment, violation, grief, and unrequited love, "Little Heck" painfully but tenderly illustrates the confusion of feeling like you are obligated to love somebody and the dangers of using people to fill a void left by another's loss. Deeply disturbing, emotionally rich, and at times morbidly hilarious "Little Heck" rings true to the saying that "hell is a teenage girl".