Empire of Lies is a dark, thrilling romance that weaves the complex lives of four individuals trapped in a world of deceit, revenge, and hidden pain. At the center of this turbulent story are Rajvir Singh Rathore, a ruthless businessman determined to rebuild his empire, and Akriti Singhania, a strong yet deeply wounded CEO who finds herself caught in a web of betrayal. After an accident leaves her in the hospital, Akriti wakes up to the shock of her boyfriend Akash Singh Rathore marrying her sister Shikha. Fueled by a desire for revenge, she enters into a marriage of convenience with Rajvir, Akash older brother, a man equally driven by the need to take back what was wrongfully stolen from him by his own brother. Both are psychopaths, capable of anything in their pursuit of vengeance, but beneath their hardened exteriors, their pain, and vulnerability simmer.
The story also explores the lives of the secondary characters: Esha Khurana, a woman trapped in an abusive marriage, whose strength is tested as she faces both internal and external battles. And Ansh Singhania, a man with a passion for music, unable to speak due to selective mutism. While he remains silent in the physical world, he finds solace in his secret online music persona, hiding his true talents from the world. His love for music becomes both his escape and his torment, as he grapples with a dream that seems impossible to reach.
In this tale of twisted love, lies, and revenge, the characters' lives intertwine in unexpected ways, their paths leading them toward a thrilling, dangerous, and ultimately redemptive journey. As their darkest secrets unfold and the stakes rise, the question remains: will they be consumed by their thirst for revenge, or will they find a way to heal from their shattered pasts? Empire of Lies is a story of betrayal, passion, and the unrelenting pursuit of justice, all wrapped in a thrilling, dark romance.
An arrogent business Darsh Goyal who is the CEO of his company forcibly starts keeping an innocent girl Garima with him. In the zeal of youth, both are unable to stay away from each other for long and they come close to each other.
What will be the outcome of this beginning of closeness in the story. Why have both come close, is Garima an extraordinary girl or is it a trick of Darsh?