Fifteen years after the deaths of King Joffrey Baratheon and Ramsay Bolton, the legacies of these infamous men live on through their daughters, Jocelyn Baratheon and Ravella Bolton-two young women who never knew their fathers but are eerily similar to them in both temperament and ambition.
In a realm now ruled by the Starks, with the North and the Seven Kingdoms united under their banner, Jocelyn and Ravella have been secretly plotting since childhood. Their shared goal: to restore the power of House Lannister and House Bolton by reclaiming the Iron Throne and the North. Jocelyn, cruel Incompetent, unintelligent, naive, impulsive, petulant, extremely cowardly, and prone to rash outbursts of violence when angered, frightened or even mildly slighted, possessive, manipulative. Obsessive, Ruthless, cruel, arrogant, sadistic, malicious, egotistical, remorseless and tyrannical ruler like her father Joffrey, envisions herself as the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, while Ravella, as sadistic, manipulative vicious, savage and thoroughly unpredictable psychopath as Ramsay,
seeks dominion over the North. Their twisted bond is rooted in a desperate desire to win the posthumous approval of their fathers, whom they revere despite their infamous reputations.