In the vast expanse of the Grand Line, Luffy has finally claimed his place as the Pirate King. But his journey is far from over, for he must confront not only the world but also his past.
When a chance encounter reunites him with Boa Hancock, the woman who once loved him from afar, Luffy finds himself grappling with a truth he never fully understood.
As they navigate the echoes of lost opportunities and lingering emotions, Luffy is forced to confront the depth of his own feelings and the sacrifices made for love.
"Unseen Bonds" is a poignant tale of lost chances, unrequited love, and the silent, powerful connections that shape our destinies.
Yes, stole the idea from Fluffythechat instantly when they post the same book.
I need a reason to post my entire folder of Melvin Sneedly Appreciation. No joke, whole folder.
I'm going to fill the book. I WILL-
(credit to Fluffythechat)