June's ordinary life takes an unexpected turn when Jake, her carefree childhood friend turned marketing executive, shows up with an irresistible offer. Fresh from a messy breakup, Jake invites June on a business trip to New York, where old memories, unspoken feelings, and undeniable chemistry resurface.
As Jake unravels secrets about his past with Lillith, his soon-to-be ex-wife, June must decide if risking her heart and reputation is worth a chance at love.
Set against the vibrant backdrop of New York City, their connection deepens amid bittersweet realizations and the haunting melody of "Slow Grenade." With their careers and Jake's looming divorce complicating matters, June and Jake stand on the edge of rewriting their story. Will their love rise from the ashes, or fall victim to bad timing?
The Freak in the Pea Green Dress ~Twiggy Ramirez Love Story
12 parts Complete
12 parts
One kiss can change fate. It can create love or start wars...a kiss between two strangers can create a whole future neither one of them had ever dreamed possible...and now, it's Twiggy's turn.
~This story is for TilskKarishma
{No offense is meant by the title}