Between Two Worlds is a coming-of-age drama set in Brooklyn, New York, following the journey of 16-year-old Sofia Reyes. Sofia, who is of Mexican and Korean descent, grapples with her mixed-race identity and the complexities of her family dynamics. Living with her father, stepmother, and young half-sister Mia, Sofia feels the absence of her mother, who returned to Mexico after a bitter argument.
At school, Sofia feels out of place and struggles to connect with her peers, despite the support of her close friend Amara. Her internal conflict deepens when she receives an invitation from her mother to visit Mexico for the summer. Torn between her desire to reconnect with her roots and her fear of not fitting in, Sofia embarks on a journey of self-discovery.
As she prepares for the trip, Sofia embraces her uniqueness, learns Spanish, and strengthens her bond with Mia. With Amara, she starts a club celebrating diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of community. The story reaches its climax at a cultural fair where Sofia confronts her mother, leading to a heartfelt reconciliation.
Ultimately, Sofia learns to appreciate both sides of her heritage, finding strength in her mixed identity. She decides to visit her mother, ready to embrace her Mexican roots while cherishing her life in Brooklyn. Through her journey, Sofia discovers that her identity is enriched by both cultures, and she finds her place within herself and her community.
Book-1 of Costello series.
Valentina is a free spirited bubbly girl who can sometimes be very annoyingly kind and sometimes just.. annoying. She has lived in Texas as long as she can remember with her mother with no knowledge of her rest of her family.
Suddenly her life takes a huge turn. Loved ones are lost and sudden revelations are made. She is not very good at dealing with changes.
Well let's just say she is in for a huge surprise when she finds out about her father and the fact that she has six brothers.
Yeah that's gonna be fun :)
Yup this is another older brother/ mafia family story. Enjoy!
Best rankings:
#1 in siblings
#1 in Big brothers
#1 in American mafia
#1 in Costello
#1 in cousin
#1 in lost Princess
#2 in mafia brothers
#2 in lost daughter
#3 in badass
#3 in family secrets
#4 in older brother
#5 in sarcasm
#4 in sister
#4 in reunited