In the magical land of Oz, Ruby, a delusional yet fiercely loyal up-and-coming witch, and Soren, a brooding and misunderstood man with a sharp gut feeling and a constant air of mystery, finds themselves thrown into an unexpected dorm assignment mishap. As their unlikely friendship begins to blossom, Ruby embarks on a whirlwind romance with Fieyro, the dashing and famous prince of Winkie country. Meanwhile, Soren is caught in the middle of Elphaba's bitter rivalry with the bubbly Galinda, who can't seem to take her eyes off him.
Despite their personal entanglements, both Ruby and Soren share a singular dream; to meet the almighty Wizard Of Oz. As they navigate the political intrigue, fierce rivalries, and tangled relationships that define Oz, they will need to trust each other in ways they never thought possible. With danger lurking around every corner, can they forge their path to the wizard, or will Oz's enchantments tear them apart?
(glinda x male! oc)
(fiyero x fem! oc)