Kaizou grew up hearing Uncle Iroh's stories about the war and the Fire Nation's power. He'd always known the Avatar was the one person who could stop them but he disappeared before he could.
When Zuko was banished to search for the Avatar, Kaizou went with him, desperately wanting to escape the palace but it turned out not like he wanted . One day, a strange light shot through the sky over the South Pole. Zuko thought it was the Avatar, so he chased the light while Kaizou stayed in his room.
That's when he met the Avatar - not some terrifying legend, but a kid named Aang. When Aang invited him to come along, Kazuo said yes. Traveling with Aang, he saw the world through his own eyes for the first time. He left the Fire Nation behind, hoping he was finally on the right path.
Harry Potter and his friends find themselves in the middle of a deadly contest called the triwizard tournament. A three task competition with three sorcerers from three different schools compete for eternal glory, but despite the dangers of the tournament, something even more deadly lurks in a whole different part of the world, waiting to be reborn.I do not own Harry Potter, I write these for fun