Aurora Chen, a twenty-year-old college student, struggling with major depressive disorder, finds herself in a psych ward after nearly committing suicide. In the following days after she is released, her father disappears-which Aurora doesn't mind at first, given that her father couldn't care less if she disappeared.
Until her father's eviscerated body is discovered at the edge of the woods, and his death determined to be of unnatural causes. While the police's suspicion turns on her stepmother, Tessa, Aurora suspects there are other forces at play.
Faced with the threat of becoming the next suspect herself, she investigates her father's death, aided by a secret organization, called the "Achilles Project". She drops out of college to become an informant, working in a library that serves as a gateway to a secret Christian sect of werewolves, known only as the Eden Society. There she discovers Noah Mason, a possible suspect or witness to her father's murder, and her only lead.
With each revelation, Aurora is pulled deeper into a tangled web of secrets and conspiracies, involving vampires, demons, angels, and werewolves. As Aurora is thrust into a new life built from lies, deceit, and subterfuge, she is forced to confront her feelings for Noah in search of the truth. Will her relationship with her soulmate, Noah, prove to be enough to save them both in the end? Or are their feelings just another lie?