Each morning, his features vanish from her memory, yet the warmth of his touch and the depth of their connection lingered to her heart like a phantom limb. Soleil Kalopsia began dreaming of the faceless man when she was in 8th grade, and he never failed to visit her ever since not until she turned 18. Desperate to fill the void he left in her, the young miss decided to resort to dating. Yet despite of seeing several men all throughout the years, none could ever match such intensity that the man who only showed himself in her dreams made her feel. Hoping that she would be able to manifest him back in her life, she swore off dating just to see if he would come back to her. And when he unexpectedly returns, she was once again reminded of a perfect love lost to the waking world- a love destined to burn bright and then fade, leaving only the lingering warmth of memory in her wake.All Rights Reserved
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