In the year 2202, a second Earth known as Terra II was discovered through the development of advanced space exploration technologies. As the presence of a second Earth was confirmed, the global military powers recognized the potential benefits of colonizing this new world
Several nations formed a coalition known as the Interplanetary Military Force (IMF) to ensure the smooth and efficient settling of Terra II.
On Terra II, the IMF designed and constructed a central base known as Neo-Ark as a command center for all military operations and colony development. Neo-Ark serves as a hub for resource management, research, and communication between the IMF and the various colonies established across Terra II.
Among the many cities established on Terra II by the IMF, Tokyo Frontier is a shining example of modern urban development. Located in a strategic region, Tokyo Frontier serves as a hub for trade, commerce, and technological innovation. With its high-rise buildings, bustling bazaars, and advanced infrastructure, Tokyo Frontier is a symbol of the IMF's intention to create a prosperous and thriving society on Terra II.
"Kaan sana kurban olsun" dediyinde kendinde olmadığını anladım. İçmişti!
"İçki mi içtin?" sordum yinede..
"Seni istiyorum" duyduğum kelimeyle dünyam yıkıldı.
"Benim olmanı istiyorum"
Hayır yapamazdı dimi?
Bana zorla dokunamazdı?
Hemen panikle kollarından çıkmaya başladım ama o beni kendine daha da bastırdı.
"Şşh" elini dudağıma koyarak susturdu beni "söz acımıycak" diyerek üstüme çıktı.