In the bustling hallways of Crestwood University, an unexpected love triangle unfolds, intertwining the lives of three captivating characters. Tara, a sweet, loving, and beautiful girl, finds herself caught between two very different suitors. Yuvraj, the dangerous and merciless bad boy known for his ruthless charm, is used to getting what he wants and sees Tara as his next conquest. On the other side stands Kartik, a cold and aloof figure who keeps his emotions locked away, deeply infatuated with another girl yet unaware of the spark that Tara ignites within him. As Tara harbors feelings for Kartik, she must navigate the complexities of their relationships, unaware that both rivals are beginning to fall for her. The rivalry intensifies, with Yuvraj's fiery passion clashing against Kartik's cool detachment. As tensions rise and loyalties are tested, Tara must decide who truly deserves her heart. Will she choose the thrill of Yuvraj's dangerous allure or the quiet strength of Kartik? Join Tara on her emotional journey, where love, rivalry, and self-discovery collide in a tale that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.