Catalina is a young girl who has been in foster care since childhood. Her foster family, which she thought was caring, turns out to be a gang of crooks manipulating those around her for personal gain. Catalina, despite the tensions and dangers, keeps a secret dream: to participate in a special mission, a kind of quest or mission that would allow her to escape from her daily life.
When the opportunity finally presents itself, she seizes her chance. However, the mission, which seemed to be an escape, turns out to be much more complex and perilous than she had imagined.
Between the lies of her foster family, the unexpected trials of the mission, and the revelations about her own past, Catalina must draw on her inner strength to overcome the challenges. As she progresses, she discovers that her mission is actually closely linked to her family's scams, forcing her to make crucial choices about who she wants to become and what she is willing to sacrifice to achieve the truth and her freedom. Even if it means betraying those who raised her.