Summary Long ago the ancient wizard Zordon Battled the evil sorceress Rita Repulsa. After many years he managed to defeat her using five magical power coins. As punishment for her loss she was sealed in a canister on the Earth's moon. However before being sealed away Rita trapped Zordon in a time warp. 10,000 years later Rita and her minions have escaped their prison and are out to conquer Earth. Zordon desperate to stop her has his assistant Alpha 5 recruit five teenagers with attitude the group of five teenagers Tommy Carrie Sue George and Freddy (and the assistance of their four friends Norma Erika Heather and Brian) from the small town of Chamberlain Maine to help protect the Earth. Granted the powers of prehistoric animals in the form of Power Coins the five teenagers become the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. After several losing battles the Rangers and Zordon meets the Watson Twins Nicki and Lizzy Dawn Swanson and Matt Burkley Rita captures a newcomer to Chamberlain named David Carmody and brainwashes him to become her Evil Green Ranger. Though David inflicts repeated and crushing defeats to the Rangers they are ultimately able to wrest control of his mind away from Rita and he joins the team as the sixth Power Ranger. Alison Desjardin was Rita Desjardin's niece she meets the Rangers and Zordon. His first stint with the Rangers would be short lived however when Rita creates a magical green candle to strip David of his powers and return them to her control. David elects to give what remains of his powers to Tommy in order to keep them away from Rita. The Rangers continue to battle Rita's increasingly evil schemes and David is later brought back to their side (albeit in limited capability) when Zordon is able to infuse his Power Coin with his own ancient power. However Rita's presence only invites even more troubleAll Rights Reserved