Lana, the sole heir of an affluent family, stood out with her fiercely independent spirit. Despite her privileged upbringing, she made the courageous decision to work hard and finance her own education. Rather than residing in the comfort of her family's lavish mansion, she chose to rent a modest house, creating a space that was entirely her own.
Her mother, however, had other plans. She was relentless in her desire to see Lana married off to a stranger, someone she had never met, tightening the noose of expectation around her daughter's life.
Determined to carve her own path, Lana completed her studies and sought employment as a nanny, a choice driven by her deep desire to escape her mother's suffocating control. She never imagined that the journey to Japan with her employers would lead her to a love that would change her life forever, connecting her to the very person she was meant to be with.