In a world where gods and demi-gods coexist to maintain the balance of creation, twin goddesses Ichika and Izanami are tasked as the Guardians of Life. Ichika, vibrant and air-headed with pink hair and golden eyes, embodies the joy and light of existence, while her older twin, Izanami, wise and stern with black hair and purple eyes, provides the grounding wisdom necessary to protect life itself. Together, they uphold the delicate balance of the heavens, cherishing their bond above all else.Their tranquil world is shattered during a grand celestial ball, a gathering of gods and demi-gods to celebrate unity. The event turns into a bloodbath when Haruko, the god of death, launches a brutal attack on the divine realm. His guards massacre gods and demi-gods alike, and the once-beautiful palace falls into chaos. Amid the slaughter, Ichika and Izanami witness the death of their closest friends, including Miko, the demi-goddess of spring.
Adrian, tuan muda kaya raya, Alpha dan Philantrophist, semua orang bertanya-tanya apa yang ia tidak punya kecuali narsisme dan keenganannya untuk melakukan pekerjaan rumah?
Bagaimanapun, Theodore tidak bisa membiarkan Adrian, orang yang ditakdirkan bersamanya menjadi penghalangnya. Tapi tentu saja tidak mudah. Adrian-begitu memesona dan menarik. Meski Theodore tidak akan mengakuinya.