Dual Minds, Singular Fate (On Hiatus)
10 parts Ongoing In their second year at the prestigious Advanced Nurturing High School, two students are about to face the most unexpected challenge of their lives. Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, the enigmatic genius known for his cold logic and strategic brilliance, and Suzune Horikita, the fiercely determined individual striving to overcome her social struggles, find their lives irrevocably altered after a fateful encounter with a mysterious device in the school's regular laboratory.
One seemingly ordinary day, while conducting an experiment, an unforeseen energy surge from an experimental apparatus engulfs them in a blinding light. After the brilliance fades, they manage to return to their dorms, shaken but unaware of the profound change that has occurred.
The following morning, they wake up to a shocking new reality: they have merged into a single entity, sharing one body but retaining their distinct personalities and identities. This unintended and chaotic merger leaves them grappling with the consequences of their transformation, as they now must navigate life as one being.