In a world where heroes shine and darkness lurks just beneath the surface, fifteen-year-old Manami Monteiro is determined to forge her own path. With the fearsome ability to summon tidal waves, Manami struggles to harness her powers while living up to the towering legacies of her mother, the eminent Masako Monteiro, and her idol, the esteemed hero Daphne Dalton.
As she trains alongside her childhood friend, the ever-optimistic Izuku Midoriya, Manami is filled with dreams of becoming a beacon of hope, just like her mother and the hero she admires. However, her journey takes an unexpected turn when she crosses paths with Katsurō Ito, a rival whose dark quirk of dream manipulation threatens to amplify her fears. With his elusive ambitions and confidence, Katsurō becomes both a competitor and an unwilling catalyst for Manami's growth.
Yet the real challenge lies ahead. As she navigates the complexities of hero society, the specter of Daphne's reputation looms large. Manami finds herself torn between admiration and the weight of expectation as she uncovers a conspiracy that threatens the very foundations of heroism. With Daphne top #3 superhero below All Might and Endeavor, the stakes are high, and the aim is clear: to rise above the chaos and prove herself worthy in the face of adversity.
In "Hero's Descent," the journey to heroism is fraught with trials, rivalries, and unexpected alliances. As Manami, Midoriya, and their friends find themselves entangled in a battle against dark forces, they must confront both their own fears and the larger shadow of villainy. Will Manami emerge as the hero she aspires to be, or will the darkness entrap them all?
→ A Boku No Hero Academy fanfiction. 💥
→ various BNHA characters x OC
started: Dec 19, 2024
ended: ?
Jungkook had always felt unlucky. Nothing ever went according to his plans.
But time travel was not something he'd ever imagined.
In 2024, Jungkook unexpectedly found himself in a time before South Korea existed, when it was still part of China. Suddenly, he was in the emperor's pool, face-to-face with a stern ruler. The emperor's first words to him were a chilling command: "Behead him."