In the heart of a quaint little town, a group of strangers is brought together by chance and curiosity. Freen, a quiet yet commanding figure with a protective streak, crosses paths with Becky, a kind-hearted dreamer working in a dusty bookstore. Through unexpected events, their circle grows to include Nam and Heng, the cheerful duo running the town's busiest café; Kade, a fearless wanderer with a thirst for adventure; and Irin, a thoughtful artist searching for meaning in her creations.
What starts as casual friendships turns into something much deeper when Becky stumbles upon an ancient book hiding a mysterious map. Drawn by the allure of an adventure, the group sets out on a journey that will test their courage, uncover long-hidden secrets, and spark feelings none of them expected.
With Freen taking the lead, their journey begins-not just into uncharted lands, but also into the depths of their own hearts. Little do they know, the challenges ahead will not only threaten their lives but also forge unbreakable bonds.