In the high-stakes world of commercial aviation, Captain Luke Hemmingway rules the skies with unshakable confidence, a devastating smirk, and a reputation for getting what he wants-both in the cockpit and out of it. But when Hadia Joseph, a statuesque beauty with a fiery intellect and an unshakable sense of control, becomes the first African woman to rise to cabin crew captain, Luke finds himself facing a challenge unlike any he's ever encountered.
Hadia is no stranger to power plays. Her height, curves, and commanding presence turn heads wherever she goes, but it's her sharp mind and quick wit that keep everyone-including Luke-on their toes. She's untouchable, unbreakable, and completely uninterested in falling for Luke's infamous charm. But that only makes him want her more.
In a game of dominance and surrender played at 36,000 feet, the two captains collide in a storm of chemistry that simmers beneath every exchanged glance and heated word. Luke is determined to take the reins and see Hadia yield, just once, to the tension crackling between them. But Hadia has a way of turning the tables, leaving Luke hot, bothered, and desperate for more. As Luke plots to break her control and Hadia challenges him at every turn, one question remains: Who will come out on top when desire finally takes flight?
For mature readers 18+ who crave sizzling tension, sharp dialogue, and the kind of chemistry that lingers long after the final page, Altitude of Desire is the ultimate thrill ride through love, lust, and the seductive dance of power. Buckle up-this isn't just a flight. It's a journey you'll never forget.