In the realm of Vasperia, where humans, elves, and mystical creatures coexist, Kael, the son of legendary parents Leor and Shania, stands as a powerful guardian. With eyes that change colors to match his emotions and a heart full of loyalty, Kael masters a unique blend of guardian and demonic abilities. Alongside fellow guardians Mieza and Kron, they protect Vasperia from harm.
During a routine expedition, Kael discovers a powerful relic, unwittingly unleashing the Old Gods - ancient, malevolent beings imprisoned millennia ago. As the realms descend into chaos, Kael takes responsibility for the catastrophe and forms an alliance with Vasperia's armies to stop the Old Gods.
With his fellow guardians, Kael embarks on a perilous quest to unravel the relic's secrets, combat the Old Gods' influence, and banish them back to their prison. As the fate of Vasperia hangs in the balance, Kael must confront the Old Gods and harness the strength of his heritage to save the realms. Will Kael and his allies succeed in defeating the Old Gods, or will the realms succumb to darkness?
Other Title: Guide to Cultivating as a Cannon Fodder (炮灰修真指南) by Qinglian Yuefu
Becoming a cannon fodder supporting a female character who is destined to die within the first three chapters, Zhang Yiyi decisively begins her self-rescue mode. This is the story of a young girl fighting her way out from among countless cannon fodder, ultimately achieving enlightenment and ascending by breaking through the void.