In the wonderful and often dark world of K-Pop, the life of experienced Korean detective Min Ho becomes an intriguing puzzle. His latest mission: to locate a missing K-Pop idol. But when the search turns into an unexpected tragedy, fate plays a cruel card, and Min Ho loses his life under circumstances as puzzling as they are tragic.
Miles away, Soo Hyun, his childhood friend and now a police officer, receives the devastating news of his death. The shock quickly transforms into a burning determination: she will not stop until she uncovers the truth behind Min Ho's disappearance and his mysterious death.
What begins as a personal investigation turns into an extraordinary journey when Soo Hyun realizes that Min Ho has returned, but not in the way she expected. Revived in the body of a young man who also met a tragic end, Min Ho and Soo Hyun form a bond that transcends life and death. Together, they embark on a thrilling and dangerous investigation, confronting dark secrets and shocking revelations that threaten not only their mission but also their own existence.
As they unravel the mystery of the missing idol, Min Ho and Soo Hyun must deal with their own demons from the past and a spark of romance that defies all norms. In this captivating story filled with suspense, love, and action, our heroes will embark on a journey full of unexpected twists, where every revelation could change their lives forever.
Are you ready to immerse yourself in this intriguing plot where danger lurks around every corner and secrets unfold in a dance between life and death?