Ah,what a peaceful morning at San Antonio.Oops! I forgot to introduce myself,I'm Gero Flite,the News Reporter. So,where was I? Ah yes,Nordan came in my office and silly him he knocked over the door to my office! "So,what happened?" I said. "A new member is coming!" Nordan said. What's his name? His name Alec Lynch. Where is he? He's coming on an airplane from Canada. Is he here though? Um,no. Well when? At 9:50 we go okay? Okay Nordan,if you say so. So now what? Chapter 2: Airplane Lynch! Finally,we're here! Oh look! It's Marshall. OH MY GOD! It's ALEC!!!! Hi Alec! Um,hi? Is it your first time here? Um. So do you know Gero? Who's Gero. He's right he- Huh? Where is he? I think he's over the- Oh,he's right there at the CANDY SHOP!!!! Chapter 3: James Time Travel. Jennise came and said"so who is Alec Lynch?" He's someone you don't kinda wanna see. Why not? Cause. Fine. Meanwhile a James's House, OMG Electric Orbs! AWESOME!!!! So I kept righting. See You all.