In a city where secrets hide behind every neon glow, two teens, Seth and Andy stumble into the enigmatic world of Quantum noir, an elusive nightclub that serves as the front for a dangerous cult. What begins as a simple night out quickly spirals into a deadly game of manipulation when the teens unknowingly become pawns in a botched FBI sting operation.
Agent Nova, working undercover, seduces and lures them into the club with promises of thrills and excitement, all while secretly guiding them toward a hidden mission. Their objective is to retrieve a mysterious black box and deliver it to Nova in the abandoned theater beneath the club. But what they don't know is that Quantum noir is far more than just a nightclub-it's a house of madness, of illusion and obsession, ruled by a man named Chuck, whose descent into insanity is fueled by the tragic loss of his wife and also sexual repressed feelings. His pain has driven him to abandon his daughter and cultivate a dark empire fueled by his fixation with clowns and manipulating his patrons for profit.
To achieve his goals, Chuck has enlisted the help of a vampire named Count Ulak, hired to manipulate the club's clientele and increase their spending. But Chuck has underestimated the growing connection between his daughter and Ulak-two souls trapped in the shadow of tragedy who begin to fall for one another. As Seth and Andy navigate the cult's twisted influence, they experience a world like they'd never seen.