"My Cricketer Husband" tells the story of Riya Kapoor, an innocent and sheltered student from Banaras, who is thrust into an arranged marriage with Aryan Khurana, a successful cricketer from Mumbai. Their marriage, while based on tradition, soon becomes a journey of discovery as Riya adjusts to a life far removed from her simple upbringing. Aryan, with his celebrity status and hectic cricket schedule, is worlds apart from the quiet life Riya knew.
As Riya navigates the complexities of married life, she faces her own internal struggles-learning to balance her emotions, expectations, and the reality of being married to a cricketer. Aryan, meanwhile, must come to terms with his responsibilities as a husband and the pressures of being in the public eye. Through misunderstandings, personal growth, and deepening affection, Riya and Aryan slowly build a relationship grounded in trust, respect, and love.
Noor, a dancer in the Royal Court of the Al-Yauzhan Empire wants nothing more than to pay off her debts and lead a nice, simple life-but a chance encounter with the crown prince and his brother brings her into the dangerous world of court politics. As Noor and the princes investigate their uncle and cousin's possible treason, she grows closer to the crown prince, but in order to save the kingdom and the person she loves, Noor will have to risk everything...
A romantic adventure set in an imagined Arabic kingdom, THE DANCING GIRL is a story of court intrigues, romantic entanglements, and secret meetings as Noor and her best friend Amir try to help the princes they're falling for expose corrupt court officials with plans to seize the throne. Noor and Amir are close to having everything they've ever dreamed of...now all they need to do is survive.