"You, The Fool who sits on The Tower watching as The Sun and The Moon pass, You who used all your Strength to call out to The Star shining above, wishing for Justice and Judgement, yet only The Devil has answered, bring upon Death. Yet I, The Hermit, have wandered The World; now I used The Hierophant and became The Magician to spin the Wheel of Fortune."
O, dear vessel of the ones above... How I envy thee, for you have seen nothing but the illusion cast from the fake sky above, seeing nothing but the reality presented before you.
I have seen sorrow and anguish, I have seen death and destruction, I have seen betrayal and tragedy. O, Ruler of the ones above, I ask of you... Have you seen it before?.. If this is truly all you see, then I will show you...
Volume 1: O, dear fragment (0~?)