The vast, uncharted reaches of the universe are governed by an omnipotent Empire, created at the dawn of time to shape and rule all of existence. Its vastness is incomprehensible-an empire built across time, space, and dimensions, spanning galaxies and ruling over planets, stars, and the very fabric of reality. Its Emperor, known as Erion, is an immortal being, neutral and detached, the creator and overseer of all. His Empress, Elara, is his equal in many ways, though her heart is deeply connected to the mortals she governs. Together, they brought forth twelve royal children, each bestowed with extraordinary power and responsibility within the Empire. The Empire, in need of protection and guidance, has long relied on the Electrolysis. These cyborgs were crafted from the very fabric of the universe, each faction representing an elemental or metaphysical force.
I was having the worst day in a long string of worst days. Growing up on the streets in the middle of monster apocalypse put a lot of things in perspective - however, meeting one of these creatures personally was the crown jewel of my bad luck. He stalks, he claims, he does not understand...
Trigger warnings:
abandonment, abuse, assault, gore, death, injuries, murder, poverty, rape, self-harm.
A more realistic take on a relationship featuring interest from an inhuman element. It's not rosy, it won't be smooth, there's no instantaneous affection. As such the story is barely even a romance - there's struggle, ambiguity and things going from bad to worse on an express train. All that said, there will be semblance of a happy ending.