Synopsis: Bai Ye, an ordinary high school student, has his life completely turned upside down after a chance encounter one late night. He meets Liaise, a golden-haired vampire girl on the brink of death. To save her, Bai Ye offers his blood, only to unexpectedly become her familiar and awaken a power that even the vampire royal bloodline fears. From the mundanity of school life to the mysteries of alternate worlds, from the ethical struggles of humanity to the ruthless laws of vampires, Bai Ye embarks on countless adventures and crises, gradually coming into his own. He soon realizes that he must not only confront relentless pursuers and unravel the entanglements of interdimensional chaos but also face the conflicts within his soul: at the crossroads of light and darkness, will he choose to protect or to descend into the abyss? A tale of fate, power, and bonds is about to unfold. "When night falls, I will stand against destiny."
Psycho brothers and a little angel sister
sounds not so good together right?
so what happens when an sweet angel comes live
with her lovesick pyscho brothers
so join their journey......🥰
I am not very good at description, so please 🥺 give my story a try🙏