In the vast tapestry of human existence, family is often the cornerstone , the unwavering pillar of support. but what becomes of a soul when this foundation crumbles , when family refuses to help , misunderstands, or deserts in times of dire need ?
this tale is not merely about a man who , at the tender age of 25 , built an empire from the ground up. it is also about the same man who, for the past eight years , has yearned for the love of the brothers , a love that remains painfully elusive. by day , as night falls, he is but a child once more, longing for the embrace of his baba , tears silently marking his solitary vigil.
After moving to Seoul, South Korea in attempt to escape your burdensome past life, while struggling to make ends meet, you find yourself caught up in an unforeseen situation. While facing the fears of working for one of the most famous idol groups, you also have to face the struggles of working and falling for an idol. Follow along the strenuous battle to hide your relationship as well as trying to keep your job.
Highest rank #2 in leejongsuk
Highest rank #1 in pcawards2018
Highest rank #1 in Fandomawards2018