In the bustling heart of Seoul, where ambition fuels the city pulse, two paths unexpectedly cross. Kim Seon Jae, a reserved yet driven CEO, and Han In Ji, a fiery and principled restaurant owner, find themselves rekindling a connection that began in their youth. Set against a backdrop of vibrant cityscapes, serene cherry blossoms, and the quiet charm of Jeju Island, this is a tale of chance encounters, subtle sparks, and the delicate dance between ambition and vulnerability. As their lives intertwine, they discover that sometimes, the smallest moments can hold the greatest meaning.
What lies ahead for them remains uncertain, but their journey will leave an indelible mark upon them, and perhaps on you too!
Alissa Iris De León the daughter of both the Spanish and Italian Mafia.
A week after she was born she was sent away from her 2 brothers to live with her father.
Alexandro De León, Alissa's father and the leader of the 1st powerful mafia which is the 'Italian Mafia'. He is the most feared man in the world and is known to never show emotions. They call him the 'THE DEVIL'. You utter a word to him or even make a little mistake he won't hesitate to kill you.
After 12 years of living with him she became a copy of him no she became even worse than him. On her 13th birthday she was sent back to live with her mother and brothers.
2yrs of living with them her mother was presumed to be 'dead' and they were sent to live with their uncles who were surprise surprise the leaders of the American Mafia.