Title: Perseus Ascends: God of Redemption and the Divine Realm
Betrayed by the Seven, his girlfriend, and even the Olympian Gods, Perseus Aurelius Jackson-the once-revered Hero of Olympus-finds himself abandoned by those he once called allies. But Perseus, now ascended as a god with unparalleled domains over Time, Justice, Redemption, and Chaos, refuses to let the shadows of betrayal define him.
Having severed ties with his old world, he moves forward, wielding the power of his domains with grace and wisdom. However, his journey takes a dramatic turn when a cosmic twist teleports him to the High School DxD universe, not as an outsider, but as an integral part of its divine history. Reborn as an archangel, crafted from the essence of God Himself, Perseus becomes a cornerstone of this new dimension-a reflection of the ideals that should have shaped its divine hierarchy.
In this universe, God's design is one of fairness and strength, and Perseus is tasked with embodying the balance between divine wrath and compassion. As he builds new alliances and fights ancient evils, he discovers a purpose far greater than what Olympus could offer. But will his past resurface to haunt him? And can he bring the fractured realms together while navigating the scheming factions of angels, devils, and fallen?
This is the tale of a betrayed hero reborn as a god, carving his legacy anew in a world teetering on the edge of chaos. Perseus Aurelius Jackson's legend is far from over-it has just begun.
Was just thinking wtf happened to Azula? Her character could've had so much better development... so here's what I came up with. Read at your own risk.
Let's see the fire nation princess actually be understood.