Under the Christmas Lights is a heartwarming romance set during the holiday season. The story follows Lily Winters, a kind-hearted woman in her mid-20s, who finds herself struggling with the aftermath of a recent breakup. Christmas, once her favorite time of the year, feels empty and lonely. But when Ethan Hart, her childhood friend, unexpectedly returns to their small town, he brings with him a reminder of the magic of the holiday season-and a Christmas tree. As they reconnect over old memories and decorate the tree together, the spark between them reignites, and they discover that maybe, just maybe, love never really fades.
This story is a journey of rediscovery, healing, and the joy of second chances. It's about two people finding each other again in the most unexpected way, under the glow of Christmas lights. Will they embrace their past and create a future together, or will they let their doubts keep them apart? Under the Christmas Lights is a tale of warmth, forgiveness, and the magic of Christmas love.