Day (20), a freshman in college, is an unassuming gamer. Her life feels ordinary, overshadowed by her insecurities, until she joins an online League of Legends (LoL) group where two mysterious, skillful players capture her attention. She plays under the code name MoonlitDawn, not knowing that the two men she's become close to are none other than Felix (23), a top model with a glamorous yet lonely life, and Hyunjin (24), the cold and distant CEO of a major company. The trio bonds over gaming, where they are just "avatars" to each other, but soon, reality begins to intrude.
Unbeknownst to each other, Felix and Hyunjin have already started to fall for Day. As the virtual world blurs into the real one, they all decide to meet in person, leading to an unexpected and tangled love triangle. But the deeper they get, the more complicated things become, forcing Day to choose between them, while Felix and Hyunjin must confront their own painful pasts.