Hell in a Game: Summary
In 2022, Baekseong High School, a prestigious institution known for shaping future elites, hides a dark secret in Class B3, a special class for the wealthiest and most talented students. Among them is Minju Im, an outsider who doesn't fit the mold of beauty, wealth, or privilege. Despite being ridiculed, Minju is determined to stay and carry out her mission.
As the story progresses, Minju secretly prepares to take revenge on the students she believes are responsible for her sister Jiyeon's suffering. The game begins when each student receives a mysterious black envelope with a message to play or face the consequences. The game, titled UNFORGIVEN, turns deadly as students must complete cruel and personal tasks, or face elimination.
The first casualty occurs when Donghyun Kim fails to complete his task, and Minju watches as the others scramble to survive. With each new round, the tasks grow more brutal, exposing the students' deepest fears and secrets. Minju's motive for the game becomes clear: she is seeking vengeance for her sister's torment, particularly at the hands of Oh Heejin, whose accidental actions caused Jiyeon's harm.
As Minju manipulates the game, she remains detached, waiting for the final showdown where only one can emerge alive. The psychological game tests not only their physical limits but their trust in each other, as Minju's dark plan unfolds to make those who wronged her sister pay.
A15 n'a pas de prénom. Elle n'en a jamais eu. Elle n'est qu'un objet doté d'un numéro. Elle n'est jamais sortie de l'Usine, l'épicentre du plus gros trafic de femmes d'Europe.
Mais bientôt, elle aura 18 ans.
Bientôt, elle sera vendue.
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