Emilia, a determined young woman, works three jobs to gain custody of her 8-year-old brother, Caleb, who was taken into foster care after their parents' abuse. One of her jobs is as a part-time assistant at a law firm, where she works under Alexandria Hale, a cold and distant older woman. Though their interactions are minimal, Alexandria begins to show unexpected care for Emilia's struggles, particularly regarding Caleb.
As their professional relationship grows, so does a quiet, slow-burning attraction. Emilia, focused on bringing Caleb home, is torn between her duty to him and the growing feelings she has for Alexandria. The story explores themes of healing, trust, and the delicate balance between love and responsibility, as both women slowly open their hearts to each other.
Love or obsession??
this story Is about 4 boys ....1.A mafia .... 2...A Hacker.... 3 .. A normal employee ... And last but not least 4... A boy who work in cafe ... These 4 life so different from each other what will happen if these life will met with each other messy life ....Will Destiny Allow them or will Shatter them into pieces....
What will happen when the most powerful mafia will fell on his knee just for his boy will he ?? / what will happen if the whole world go against The hacker will His boy be his side ?????
will the other 2 boys able to make their Obsession trun into the love .????
will the other 2 boys able to Recognise the depth of love ?????
to read more Read this story'