Racing Hearts tells the story of Isabella "Izzy" Toretto, the younger sister of Dominic Toretto, who lives in the fast-paced world of street racing, high-stakes heists, and dangerous loyalty. Like her brother, Izzy is a skilled driver and mechanic, fiercely protective of her family and their business. She's grown up in the shadow of her older brother, learning everything he knows about cars, racing, and surviving in their ruthless world.
Izzy's life takes a turn when Brian O'Conner, an undercover cop turned ally, enters the picture. As Brian helps Dom and the crew pull off a major heist, Izzy's suspicions about him grow, but so does her attraction. However, with danger closing in from all sides and the Toretto crew facing internal and external threats, Izzy must confront her own past and forge her own path-one that could change everything for the Toretto family.