The story follows the events of Valerie, a young woman who finds herself involved in a complicated relationship with Abel, a mysterious and fascinating man. Abel is famous and successful, but hides behind a carefree and charismatic exterior. His connection with Valerie grows quickly, creating emotional and physical tension between the two. As they grow closer, Valerie finds herself dealing with her feelings and insecurities, especially in relation to Eric, her half-brother. The dynamic between Eric and Abel is complex: Eric is protective of Valerie and does not look favorably on the relationship between her and Abel, despite considering Abel a friend.
Conflict explodes when Eric discovers that there is more than just friendship between Valerie and Abel. His jealousy and concern for his sister lead him to react impulsively, with harsh words and unfounded accusations. Valerie, trying to stay calm, finds herself caught between wanting to be with Abel and bonding with Eric, who doesn't seem to accept the relationship.
Meanwhile, Abel tries to navigate his world of fame and his relationship with Valerie, but realizes that his life as a celebrity could complicate things even further. Despite this, the emotional and physical connection he has with Valerie becomes increasingly intense, and the tension grows as the story explores themes such as jealousy, trust and family conflict.
The plot revolves around this turbulent relationship, with the heart of the story exploring how love and protection can conflict when both protagonists are forced to confront the reality of their desires and fears.