Rose Cardin, a Frenchwoman exiled in Los Angeles, juggles her job at a convenience store with her role as a dancer in a private club. In this city where anything can happen, she catches the attention of an enigmatic client known for his absolute discretion. Hidden behind a mask and an impenetrable mystery, he demands private performances at his home in a dark, secret room, away from prying eyes.
Persuaded by her boss, Rose agrees. But each meeting comes with a strange tension: the man's silence, his piercing gaze, the way he orchestrates every detail of their encounters... Gradually, she is drawn into this universe, both alluring and unsettling.
As the nights pass and her mysterious client's demands intensify, Rose begins to ask herself questions: Why so many precautions? What secret lies behind the mask? And most importantly, what does she represent to him?
In this city where fame and loneliness intertwine, Rose must navigate between the light of her aspirations and the shadow of her own desires to uncover the truth. But some secrets are perhaps better left undiscovered...