180 Days follows Naomi Torres, a young woman who's been living in a constant state of pain. Her home life is a nightmare-her father is physically abusive, and her mother's harsh words are just as damaging. With her older brother long gone, Naomi feels abandoned and alone. After the loss of her friend Mai, who took her own life, Naomi decides to end her own suffering. But before she does, she makes a decision that changes everything: she gives herself 180 days to live, not to find happiness, but to say goodbye properly.
Naomi knows the pain of losing someone and never having the chance to say goodbye. She couldn't do that to her friends, not after everything they've been through together. She's going to make those final days count, giving them the closure she never got with Mai.
With the support of her best friend Chris, who's always been by her side, and Oliver, who shows Naomi what real love feels like, she begins to wonder if maybe there's a reason to keep going. But even with the love and support around her, Naomi struggles. She faces bullying, her own panic attacks, and the devastating loss of Abuela, the grandmother who was the closest thing she had to a mother.
As she moves through these final 180 days, Naomi learns that sometimes saying goodbye isn't just about leaving-it's about learning to let go of the pain and realizing that there's more to life than she thought. Maybe, just maybe, there's still something worth living for after all.
180 Days is a raw, heartfelt story about loss, love, and finding peace when everything seems impossible. It's about how even in the darkest moments, there's always a reason to fight.
So if you like the sound of that then strap in bc this book is about to get messy