In a desperate attempt to stop a multidimensional catastrophe, the Avengers find themselves hurled into an unfamiliar world-a post-apocalyptic wasteland teeming with flesh-hungry zombies and shattered dreams. Here, humanity teeters on the brink of extinction, and the rules of heroism no longer apply.
Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hulk, and the rest of the team must navigate a landscape where every choice is a matter of life and death, alliances are fragile, and trust is a rare commodity. As they uncover the secrets of this broken reality, they'll face challenges that test their powers, their resolve, and their very humanity.
Can Earth's greatest heroes rise to the occasion when faced with humanity's darkest hour? Or will they succumb to a nightmare where the only way to survive is to embrace the savage fight for existence?
*Prepare for a gripping tale of resilience, sacrifice, and heroism in a world where even the Avengers must learn what it truly means to be human.*